爽剧就不必过度解读什么三观了剧情一爽到底就是最大的成功何况是部制作精良且内秀的爽剧——所以说大仲马的“基督山伯爵”无愧传世经典啊doge// PS. 我发现“甜甜圈·吴”出演的剧虽然都是配角但都有令人一眼印象深刻的存在感非常期待能担纲大戏的一番// PS. 大结局追加:比之15集的爽度铺垫西行纪在线观看免费完整版这个潦草的尾声显得略无力
1.5 Childish kids playing with CGI toys. At least they are not stupid enough to blow up the new World Trade Center. Seriously they should have stopped him ten years ago . Who let him do it again? Oh Chinese money. Fine, don’t look up and keep your head down.